ProstaGenix Prostate Pills

ProstaGenix FAQ

Q: Where can I buy ProstaGenix?

A: You may purchase ProstaGenix directly from the manufacturer that sells ProstaGenix at at $49.95 a bottle. But we have a limited supply at a discounted price. So Act Fast!

Q: Does ProstaGenix make your prostate healthier?

A: ProstaGenix is a premium grade prostate pill that has been proven to make your prostate health improve. It all depends on how long you take the product and how consistent you are with it. The longer you take it, the better your results will be.

Q: Is ProstaGenix the best prostate pill?

A: ProstaGenix has some of the best ingredients we've ever seen in a prostate product, so on paper, it appears to be the best prostate pill on the market right now. No other product has the quality of ingredients as ProstaGenix. Lab tests on reputable websites confirm this.

Q: Does ProstaGenix work?

A: Thousands of men have purchased ProstaGenix, and many men report they have seen their prostate health improve after taking ProstaGenix for a few weeks to a few months. So yes, it does work! And it works fast.

Q: What are the ingredients in ProstaGenix?

A: ProstaGenix has ultra-high quality ingredients that make up its formula, and they have been proven to seriously improve your prostate health. They include Beta Sitosterol, Grape Seed Extract, Pomegranate, & Quercetin to name some of the strongest ones in the formula.

Q: Does ProstaGenix make your prostate smaller?

A: Yes, ProstaGenix has the ingredients to decrease the size of your prostate, and allows you to see exponential decreases in night time urination in a matter of weeks.

Q: What's the price of ProstaGenix?

A: ProstaGenix is available in 1-month, 3-month, and 7-month supplies, and are priced in order:




Q: Is ProstaGenix guaranteed to work?

A: ProstaGenix comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee, meaning that it is guaranteed to work or your money back. So you can try this product for a full 90 days before you can make up your mind. If you don't like it, you can send it back for a refund.

Q: Are there coupon codes for ProstaGenix?

A: There might be some coupon codes online for ProstaGenix for 15% off, but you'll have to look online for them. They aren't regularly available, so you shouldn't let that discourage you if you decide that you really need a prostate pill.


1 bottle






5 bottles



LIST PRICE $279.95


3 bottles



LIST PRICE $149.95